Monday, November 2, 2009

Heavens to Betty

I dressed up as Betty Draper for Halloween. It was so much fun channeling her character and donning the retro fashion. The dress isn't actually vintage. After scouring thrift stores for the perfect Betty dress, I realized that this Forever 21 frock I already had would work perfectly. Of course, the full petticoat really makes the look, and it was great for dancing!

My costume, however, was incomplete. Sadly, Don was home sick! Or, as a couple of friends pointed out, probably off sleeping with another woman. Without Don, I knew the right details were the key to pulling off this costume. What I didn't know is that fake nail glue is sold separately. So I didn't have the perfect pink nails. I didn't have red wine or anything that resembled it... so that's cider in my glass. I forgot my fake ciggie at home. Despite all that was missing, one (that's right, ONE) guy knew who I was! I thought Mad Men-themed costumes were supposed to be very popular this year, but most people I talked to had never seen the show. Oh well, I hugged that one guy and told him he made my night. And I had fun, which is all that really matters.

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween weekend!


Anonymous said...

WOW! What a fun costume! You look adorable as Betty Draper! I love ALL these photos too.


Anonymous said...

Love the fake cigarette. What is it made out of?

Jolie said...

I think it's a great costume despite the little details you forgot or didnt have.

Kyla said...

hehehe ... so cute!

shell said...


I was Lady Gaga this year and only 3 people recognized who I was! I even had the hair bow and everything. I guess Lawrence isn't up to speed on its celebrity/entertainment news :)

You still look fab, though! And I recognized you immediately even though I haven't seen the show, if it makes you feel any better.

piglet said...

I love this costume, the dress is gorgeous!

Idée Géniale said...

Aw I think You chanelled Betty Draper perfectly! (Suz) said...

the dress is gorgeous!

Lexie said...

the last shot of you is hilarious! i love that being betty draper (or nearly any of the MM characters) gives you an excuse to keep a drink in your hand the whole evening!

Amanda said...

Love it!!

monica burnett said...

great! i love the dress!

Lainey said...

This is pretty amazing! I love how good you look in the blonde wig!

Jessica Quirk said...

You are the best Betty I've seen!! Wonderful!

Sara said...

Perfect costume! You wear it so well x

style-magnet said...

BETTY! This is perfect! Ah, the cig & the wine glass & the frying pan... all necessities if you ask me!

Unknown said...

Great job on your costume... I especially like the pics when your "cooking" in the kitchen, so cute!!

Anonymous said...

love the look darling
what a great costume!!!! thanks for sharing

check out my blog @

Anonymous said...

haha i love these pictures. you totally got this look!

F <-- two girls living in nyc and chicago blogging all things fashion!

Leah Brunner said...

most amazing costume. ever.

myedit said...

Smoking in the house? Thank goodness it's the 50's...
You look amazing!!! Love that only one guy had a clue...

kaye i. said...

Love the last pic the most. Very Betty indeed :)

Unknown said...

OMG. Love it! Esp the first pic. The way you're holding the cig is spot on! I thought about being Betty myself, but being that None of my friends watch the show, I figured I'd pass on the idea. At least one person knew who you were!

Keli said...

aw, you pulled it off very well! love the dress :)

Orchid Grey said...

what a great idea, you look great!

Elizabeth, Delightfully Tacky said...

Haha! I knew instantly you were Betty! Brilliant costume!

Katya said...

Lovely! There were a lot of Mad Men costumes up here, but yours is better than any of them--most people just went for "pretty".

mari claire said...

Amazing! I love Mad Men and Betty!! Perfect costume! Love the blog!

♥ mari