Top: Forever 21, $14 // Necklace & Glasses: Shop on State Street in Madison, $6 & $4 // Jeans; Courtesy of Fossil // Shoes: RJ Girl via Piperlime, $55
All that driving made my vision deteriorate dramatically, so I had to get some stylish eyeglasses on my trip! Just kidding... the frames are 100% fake. They do have as much UV protection as sunglasses, so I guess they're not completely impractical. The truth is, I've wanted glasses since I was a kid, but I've always had pesky perfect vision. I've tried on many a pair of "geek chic" frames, but these are the first that didn't look ridiculous on me. While I've never had a problem with people wearing glasses for style reasons, I can see why it's sometimes frowned upon. When it comes down to it, I like them too much to not wear them! Besides, aren't writers required to wear glasses? What are your thoughts on the matter?
Anyway, here's one of my beautiful besties and I having way too much fun after a kick-ass tour of Ale Asylum.

I kind of want a pair too but I feel like I look weird in all glasses. :)
What a great gif! I love the little shoe shuffle.
You both look great :)
what a cute post. love it
F <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
you guys are just too cute! loving the outfits.. and necklaces. both are totally fab! xo- karrie
I have to say that my vision turnbad finally!!! cause I love glasses, I'm not blind but I could use a little help :)love your hair :)
Awesome necklace. And I'm a fan of fake glasses too...but in moderation :D
I'm a fan of fun and silly gifs, and yours is all of those adjectives. :) As a nearly-blind real-glasses wearer, I've always been a little bit annoyed with the fake glasses trend. But I guess it should be flattering that poor eyesight is "in" now?
Toast with Charmalade
amazing effect! Great! <3
I've always wanted glasses too, but I have 20-20 vision! lol! That pair is really cute!
Pocket of Presh
I know exactly what you mean! I've had completely perfect vision all of my life, but I long to wear stylish prescription lenses!
the eye doctor told me that my vision was perfect the other week, and then put those drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils and I couldn't see my hand infront of my face for two hours.
I guess I'm pretty thankful.
huge fan of the necklace, and i always love nerd glasses :)
That really is just the cutest necklace!
You two are adorable, and I love your simple casual outfit. What a great necklace!
You both look fabulous! Love your necklace.
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
Very cute! you rock those frames way better than I could!
ahhh! you two are so cute!
i hate my glasses, only wear them when i have to, but you look cute wearing them!
how did you get your photos to play like that? i've been searching for a good tutorial. love the post!
I am practically blind without glasses or contacts.I hate wearing just my prescription glasses because of the blind spots and also I play sports a lot. SO I have some fake glasses I got from UO that I wear with my contacts I DON'T CARE IF IT IS SILLY and wearing fake glasses is fun :D
that's such a cool necklace. it's a nice pop of color.
I've worn glasses since I was nine and there are many, many drawbacks. For instance, I can't fall asleep watching television or find my glasses when I put them somewhere and walk away for a second. So, appreciate your perfect vision! Wearing fake glasses as an accessory usually doesn't bother me, but the stereotypes ("geeky," "nerdy," "librarian," etc.) do. I could write about this for a long time, but I will leave it at that.
Otherwise, adorable outfit, as always.
Looks & Books
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