Thursday, March 18, 2010

Meet My Polka Dot Pants

Tube top: XT, $10 // Pants: Vintage, thrifted, $8 // Necklace: Forever 21, $9 // Shoes: Lucky Brand, courtesy of Lucky Magazine

I took a chance on these babies. It was only an $8 chance, but still. The morning after my aforementioned girls' night in KC, my friends and I had a very limited amount of time to spend at a warehouse-style thrift store (Re-Runs). Generally, I only truly succeed at thrifting when I have an unlimited amount of time to spend looking. Near the end of our short little window, I grabbed these pants. My first reaction was that they were fairly comical but also kind of awesome. Then, I proceeded to buy them without trying them on (only because they were less than $10). After getting them home and giving them a go, I was totally pleased with the result. They fit nicely, and they have an elastic waist, so they feel like wearing sweatpants. So comfortable! These pants wouldn't fly with just anything, but paired with a simple tube top and glam chain statement necklace, they totally fit the bill for a fun, frivolous night of dancing.


caroline duke said...

HOW do you do that?

i think you might be the only one who could pull them off, but they look great.

Leah Brunner said...

only you could pull off this look!
you look great!

Charmalade said...

These. Pants. Are. Drop. Dead. GOR. Geous.

Seriously, I had a jaw-drop moment. I love funky pants (in funkytown, of course), and you definitely pulled this atypical pair off in a seriously fashionable way.

I'm having polka dot envy, tres chic!

Toast with Charmalade

Madeline Veenstra said...

They are very cute! I wish I could wear something like this too :)

The Semi Sweet said...

What a fab outfit! You look great!

C said...

Those are SO rad! So. Rad.

Grace M said...

Those pants ARE awesome. Completely awesome. I also like how you've been putting your hair up lately.

Lexie said...

you totally pull off those pants! i loooove this look!

Anonymous said...

This is really really cute.

April said...

OMG AMAZING. who knew polka dot pants could be so chic?

Jolie said...

Omg, they fit you perfectly. I love how you paired them with a tube top, so 70's! I love Re-Runs!

Anonymous said...

Those pants are so perfect...and they fit you to a T! Wow, love them!!


Celine said...

See, I would never pick those up but they look unbelievable on you! They don't look like they have an elastic wasit-band either. Amazing. And I need a tube top like that. The end.

Mila said...

How is it that your the only one who could probably pull them off? You look amazing! The tube top looks great with the pants.


Lindsay Jean said...

oh those are AMAZING! so jealous!

Anonymous said...

The pants fit you perfectly! And they have such elan!

amanda said...

love this, totally, 100%. love love. so 70s! this may be my favorite of yours.

Mitzi Loves Opshops said...

Love this look. It's surprising that a wide leg pant (albeit high waisted) can make such an awesome line, this look is killer. I was surprised when I did a shoot recently how my not-so-slim legs looked lovely skinny. Really like this!!!!!

Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

Are you kidding me right now??? These pants are amazing!!! I love how you styled them :)

[SMASH] said...

Those are so fun! They'd make adorable shorts, too!

Amanda said...

I am so so jealous of your thrifting skills -- please blog about techniques soon!



Fräulein Luise said...

What for a beautiful outfit, in special this gorgeous pants!!

heather said...

you look amazing and the pants look crazy good on you. polka-dot orange pants may sound completely strange but they totally work. <3

Kimberellie said...

I think they're awesome. I so would have bought them too! Good for taking a chance! It is so hard not to when things are cheap, eh? It's almost like you'd be losing money NOT buying some things at thrift stores. ;-)


TP said...

Those pants are awesome and love how you pulled the entire outfit together.

Anonymous said...

i love these pants and they fit you so well. i think you put them together perfectly with that top and necklace. so adorable! -noel

Anonymous said...

The pants are amazing! I think I'm going to go look for a pair just like that! :-)

TheCollegeCouture said...

Love it! If only I could pull off those pants...haha! Looking lovely as always!

Brandy Colbert said...

i'm not sure how one can pull off chic in polka dot pants, but you have certainly managed it. this is such a fantastic look!

Anonymous said...

Every time I think I've figured you out, you surprise me and inspire me once again :) You look fabulous in this outfit, one of my very absolute favorites!!

~ megan

Sea Bird said...

Those pants are rock'n. I am jealous.

patticakes said...

These are great...the crease on the leg is key, though. The creases add the sophistication and take off some edge. Spring is not near enough!!

Maz said...

I LOVE this! Absolutely love love love!

Lisa said...

Those pants are fantastic!!! What a find :)

Candycane said...

I swear that my nanna had a pair of trousers like this when I was growing up - and that is a complement btw - if only I had kept some of her clothes - I was thinking the other day of what a fab shoe collection she used to have too :'(

Great look!

CC xXx

Daniela said...

Gorgeous pants and you styled them up perfectly. Absolutely love it!

feliciamesadieu said...

A-MAZ-ING....your style is your blog!

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! I'm curious what the fabric content is?

Melissa Madison said...

Um, this might be my favorite outfit I've seen you in. I know, I know. Thats a tough call to make, but this was so different, I stopped in my tracks to comment.

Poison Oak said...

Those pants are soooooooo perfect.

Kansas Couture said...

vintagemarmalade -

They're straight-up '70s polyester.

Nicole said...

You look amazing! I like these pants, but for me it is the whole look. Your hair looks spectacular, jewelry classic but young, and... you're smiling!!! It never hurts.

Looks and Books said...

Um, I kind of love these. I would look like a clown, but you look completely chic.

Academichic said...

This outfit is so simple yet so stunning - awesome look! S.

Seven Dollar Pants said...


Jazz said...

Love these pants!!!

Winifred said...

AMAZING! I've been catching up on "older posts" after finding your blog last December and I just got to this one. Jaw-dropping ensemble.