Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Accessorize Giveaway!

To kick off the New Year, I would like to share some of the goods so generously bestowed upon me by Accessorize, a British company that recently introduced shipping to the U.S. One winner will receive four necklaces, a cocktail ring, a large bag, a sequined coin purse and a scarf. To enter, use the comment section of this post to tell me your favorite type of accessory. A winner will be chosen at random on New Year's Day. Obviously this is a very short giveaway, so don't delay!

UPDATE: Sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but I'm shipping this package personally and would like to invite international readers to enter.


Anonymous said...


My favorite is scarves. They are simple and come in a variety of styles that will go with anything!

Unknown said...

my favorite type of accessories are scarves. they come in so many different styles to fit anyones fashion sense and just add an extra element to your outfit.


Brandy Colbert said...

my favorite is necklaces. i love that you can mix and match them together or how they can give a bold statement to a simple outfit.

ashleylauren said...

My favorite type of accessories are necklaces. They can take a simple look to a whole different level. Great giveaway! Thanks!

Meg! said...

Favorite type of accessory: definitely rings. I feel naked without my rings, and they really add excitement to an outfit. Second place goes to necklaces. :)

Hannah said...

My favorite accessory would have to be necklaces, or purses. I love both!

shelbysmith said...

My favorite type of accessories are necklaces because they are an easy way to pull a look together and they can say a lot about a person. My favorite necklace is one with a pendant of a pair of bejeweled headphones I got in Prague! It's supposed to be for a man!

Luna W said...

My favorite accessory is ALWAYS a handbag :)
Functional and very versatile! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My favorite accessory is a big old bangle bracelet. They are my one true love, with scarves runnning a close second!

Capricious Traveler said...

Necklaces are my favorite, i feel incomplete without one.

What Would a Nerd Wear said...

Definitely a giant ring--love em!

Anne said...

headbands are definitely my favorite.

Elsa said...

I don't really know if this counts as an accessory- but one thing that I feel 'incomplete' without, is nail polish. I especially love to wear deep tones (like brick red), or nude colors (like a pale brown or soft pink). Even if I look like I just climbed out of a dumpster, if I have lovely manicured fingers, I feel pretty.

By the way- I grew up in Gardner, KS- a town between Lawrence and Kansas City, and have about a million friends that attend KU. Glad to see that Kansas Chic has finally been represented!

Unknown said...

scarves are awesome and so versatile!

Monique said...

big cocktail rings are my favorite accessory. friends see them and think of me, so i guess they're a kind of signature of mine.

Lizzie said...

Cute! My favorite accessory is my leopard is sparkly and so pretty and such a statement!

Anonymous said...

Statement necklaces are probably my favorite :)

Kristi said...

I love scarves because they can really help to pull an outfit together. Especially now, they help in layering clothes, since I don't own a lot of cute winter clothes. I love AA's Circle Scarf cause it's so soft and thick.
Love your blog! I read every day.

rawrnold said...

My favorite is scarves. No matter what you're wearing, a scarf makes you look 10 times more fashionable!

Unknown said...

Just discovered SCARVES this winter, and I love them - but the ultimate accessory for me has always been earrings. I have so many pairs, and the larger the better!

Justy said...

I LOVE scarves! I have quite a collection that are super easy to wear everyday!

Claire said...

My favorite accessories are headbands. Most people don't usually wear headbands and its fun to be a little different.

I live in Overland Park, Kansas and you are the first fashion blogger from Kansas. I was so excited when i foung out about you! Happy New Years.

Anonymous said...

My favorite accessories are purses, I change mine every day. You could say I'm a purse slut. ;)

phebe said...
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Sidewalk Chic said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway! My favorite accessories are either scarves or brooches. They can add just the right pop of color to any outfit.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year's! - JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

Joi said...

Hmmm... my favorite accessories would be my necklaces. My neck feels oddly naked without them.
They can often dress an outfit in a very unique way. The same outfit could look different with a different sized necklace with different charms and/or colors.

Purple Monkey Bandit said...

I love all accessories! Its a fun way to make a plain outfit stand out...I know I know you are supposed to remove one piece before you leave the house, but sometimes i just cant help myself....If I have to chose one, i would chose scarves, Im obsessed and have raided all of my moms vintage scarves from her closet whenever i go home.

Love your blog!

Maz said...

Well I am a big fan of scarves because of their versatility. But I would have to say BELTS are my favorite. I wear one almost everyday. Whether it is low on the waist, to hold up my pants, around my waist, or to turn one of my long vintage dresses into a mini dress. I love them and they are an easy way to ad interest, pattern, or color to an outfit on one of my less inspired days!

Karen said...

I always prefer bracelets - there's no such thing as a bad wrist day!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet giveaway! I would have to go with rings, simple or statement, they make me feel pretty and feminine. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I speak with a lot of animated hand gestures, so people have to look at 'em! They make my paws presentable :) Thanks!

Sophie said...

My favourite are necklaces :)

phebe said...

what a great giveaway! :)

it's hard to choose a favorite accessory - but mine would have to be tights. :) i love them in all different colors and patterns - they keep you warm and are so stylish at the same time!


Dylana Suarez said...

Adorable necklace!

Amanda said...

My favourite accessory is bags/purses. I have bags in many different colours and styles to go with different outfits. I think a bag can really add to an outfit to dress it up or down and be practical for every occasion.

*~kAy~* said...

My favorite accessories are necklaces :)

MELISSA Z. said...

Woe! The pochette with the UK flag is awesome! I want it!

Cindy said...

I love necklaces and have quite a collection...I make my own and also buy ones I like. I'll make a necklace then have to go out to buy an outfit to go with it!

Cheyne said...

Accessory-wise, I can always go for a great pair of tights (not to be confused with leggings). I've got a draw full of them in every color, texture, and print. Black skirt boring? Thrown on some "Jenny of Gossip Girl-esq" neon-bright tights and hello, your outfit is peachy keen! Knit tights are great in the winter when you feel like breaking out of your jean routine. It's also nice to add some classy lace tights under a dress for a subtle, sexy flare...however, emphasis on the classy. I wouldn't touch fishnets with a ten and a half foot pole.


Anonymous said...

I think I have two!
Shoes because, really, shoes can completely make an outfit.
But also, headbands. As a short-haired lady myself, I find myself limited to what I can do with the hair and flamboyant headbands have been a life-saver.
I have this fabulous headband with a purple ruffle on the side that goes well with my red hair.

tm said...

My favorite accessories I wear are tights and watches. I also love seeing what types of watches others choose to wear.

Light Stealer said...

I think one can never have too many shoes, knickers and...scarves! :)

Scarves are so "me" that I even attemp to wear very light foulards in the summertime..! ;P

Manja said...

Necklaces and tights because they spice up simple outfits so easily :)

Unknown said...

My favorite is scarves :) sooo easy.

Anonymous said...

in the winter, I am obsessed with fingerless gloves and arm warmers. Rings are my fave year round, though! Love your blog--I'm from Overland Park,KS and now live in Austin, TX, found out about your blog from reading Adored Austin!! xo-Cassiday

sarah full of grace. said...

my favorite accessory is.. tattoos! no matter what, i always have this amazing, unique art work on all over my arms and hands! and my cute heart on my right hand ring finger looks so awesome with my gold lion ring next to it! (:

Linda said...

Wow these items are all soo delicious! I love it! Do they ship to Canada too?

Lena Nugent said...

My favorite acessories are rings!

Marie said...

My favourite are scarves as well. They can often add that extra colour and/or texture that is needed in an outfit.

Love your blog! Thanks for holding this giveaway!

Francine said...

I would have to say necklaces. I have a ridiculous amount, and the weirder the better for me.

Kendra said...

Hmmm thats a tough one. I think I like necklaces the best. You don't have to worry about fit, or length even. Just throw it on, and combine it with other necklaces and you can build a whole art piece. So fun!!

Great giveaway, have an awesome new years!

Jessica Hacker said...

Oooh, I love everything- especially the sequined british flag purse.

lauren said...

i live in scotland, and i always walk past that shop and think about going in. this is fantastic. my favorite accessories are scarves and necklaces. word. happy new year!

Lizzie Katie said...

My favorite accessory is usually a scarf, but I must say I'm in love with that sequin clutch. Great giveaway!

Miss M said...

I always love how a good necklace can completely transform an outfit. I also love layering them!

SWF_Terra said...

Belts, for sure. They can make the dumpiest outfit look sleek and chic.

G K Stegall said...

My favorite accessory?
My stars... That is a tough decision. An accessory I favor most is the thin fabric belt -- not anything too fancy, but something that is multi-purposeful. The obvious use is as a belt (waist or hip), but it can double as a headband or even as a necklace. "Simplicity is the keynote of elegance." - Coco Chanel

Linds said...

hi Katy! My favorite type of acessories are actually big funky rings because not everyone wears them all the time and they can change an entire outfit. Happy New Year!

Laura said...

I think my favorite accessories are tights! I really love wearing dresses all year long (which is a bit easier for me in Austin) and they just add a great splash of color and fun and whimsy to any of my outfits. I have just discovered patterned tights so I'm working hard to accept them into my wardrobe.

thank you!

Naila said...

my favorite accessory would be a necklace, because it can transform the whole look of the outfit.

Unknown said...

I love scarves! And I love winter because now I can wear one everyday!!

Maggie said...

I love earrings! I didn't get my ears pierced until I was in college so I'm now making up for lost time!


thedirtyknitter said...

scarves! and necklaces...ooh....and shoes? do those count? oh..and purses...yeah...i think i have a problem :)

Dian said...

My favorite type is necklace. Always add different twist to clothes, and add glamor into ordinary clothes

meghanb said...

my favorite is big earrings, they make any outfit fun & a little over the top.


Anna said...

My favorite accessories are necklaces and shoes; they can totally change an outfit.

Brittany said...
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Brittany said...

Necklaces! They can completely transform an outfit, especially when you layer them.

Nadia Kamballa said...

My favorite would be scarves. They can give an an instant change to the look. I haven't had much, so I would love one from Accesorize.. :P

Great giveaway, btw..

C said...

I think I like necklaces best, or scarves. Things that highlight my neck and shoulders are my fave.

UpCycleZing said...

My favorite would have to be earrings. Picking the right ones can make your outfit go from ow to wow!

Anonymous said...

my favorite accessory is scarves....they adds texture and interest to any outfit and you can wear them so many different ways!

Anonymous said...

SHOES! Can't have enough of them, they always fit, and they always look amazing!

But I can imagine doing so many things with those necklaces, too. Loving the "Love" one!

Clara said...

These accessories are wonderful! Thanks, Accessorize, for the great giveaway. In winter, my favorite accessory is a scarf, because of its versatility. In warmer weather, I regularly change out my handbags, using them to add pops of color in neural outfits.


L said...

My fave type of accessories are headbands, they can set the entire mood of you look.

LAPT said...

My favorite accessory is a necklace (or two, or three...)! I'm growing my hair out long again, and sometimes earrings get caught--so necklaces are the easiest!

E said...

I would love to win! These pieces have the most wonderful antique quality about them!

Jolie said...

What a fun give away! Rings are my favorite accessory because they could show off a nice manicure or a fun polish! Happy New Year!
xxoo Jolie

myedit said...

My favourite accessory would be a big dog.... too bad I'm not allowed to get one:(

Jilliebeanie said...

Shoes! The ridiculous kind that are hardly functional but completely fabulous (bonus if they're functional).


Anonymous said...

I love earrings. Ever since I got my hair cut short, wearing them feels like such a statement!

Unknown said...

Necklaces have got to be my all-time favorite accessory--anything from the simple silver chain to a chunky statement necklace. Most outfits are screaming for a necklace to finish it off!
Oh my gosh, I hope I win your give a way!!!! Those accessories are so fabulous--my fingers are crossed!!!!
Thank you so much for doing this~


Laura Gerencser said...

My favorite is necklaces! They can sometimes make an outfit seem just perfect! And, depending on which one I'm wearing, they can be a conversation starter too!:)

Unknown said...

My favorite accessory is a brushed gold tree necklace. I wear it with everything! I always get so many compliments when I wear it, and always feel more confident and chic when I wear it! :D

heidi said...

i love earrings. i feel simply undressed without them.

Kelly said...

hmmm.... I'd probably have to say scarves. They instantly make a boring outfit interesting, keep your neck warm, and can prevent a revealing top from looking too slutty.

dms said...

My favorite accessories are brooches and pins. I have a whole bunch of beauties from my grandma and great aunts, some from my mom from the 1960s. They really dress up an outfit or add an element of chic.

Charlie D said...

I never ever used to accessorize, but now I absolutely love scarves and unique necklaces. I especially love my vintage ones.

vmichelle said...

My current fave accessory is a necklace!

Fabulocity in Amish Country said...

I think my favorite accessory would have to be rings... I just love rings! I think they're fabulous! :) Happy New Years!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a chunky choker-style necklace that was v. inexpensive but it looks so nice. It dresses up a t-shirt or a simple dress. I wear it all the time.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa // Elembee said...

My favorite accessory is a tie between belts and scarves because they both are a quick and easy way to take a simple outfit to the next level and make it a little more special.

Unknown said...

By far my favorite accessories are statement necklaces. They add glamor to even the simplest outfit and are an inexpensive way to update your wardrobe.

hk cupcake said...

Necklaces, shoes, bags

Liz said...

Necklaces for SURE! i can barely stand to shuck them off to bathe!

Ellie B said...

Definitely necklaces. They can make a statement or just finish off a look.

Alexandra B. said...

My favorite accessory is a necklace. They instantly can change a "yawn" outfit to a "wow" outfit. I love how you can layer many different necklaces and it (for me) rarely seems over the top.

Thanks for having this contest! I love your blog!

L said...

I am obsessed with clutches. I always feel chic with one! They also work double duty when packing for a trip- they work well as a container for jewelry rolled in a scarf. (thanks to The Glamouri for that tip)

Academichic said...

Awesome giveaway! My favorite accessory are scarves because you can use them in your hair, as belts, around your neck, on a purse, etc etc. And there are always soo many pretty scarves for such low prices at flea markets and thrift stores - it's a very affordable addiction. S.

Emily Wilkerson said...

Woah, cool.

I love scarves because they can be worn with pretty much anything, they can be dressy or very casual, and because they keep me warm when I'm cold (which is mos tof the time). :)

kimpesch said...

I would have to say NECKLACES! Anything and everything I can layer up is always my go to answer for a last minute outfit dilemma.

xo, Kim from

M. said...

my favorite type of accessory is a bag, I think a bag is the perfect way to make a statement when you're not wearing a bold outfit. Bags come in different colors, shapes and styles so you can have one that looks perfect for any outfit!


mymymeow said...

my favorite is earrings. got like a million but they are so versatile. <3

mymymeow said...

my favorite is earrings. got like a million but they are so versatile. <3

great giveaway!! :-)

Mariele said...

my favorite accessories are headbands. the sillier the better.

Kate Maddox said...

My favorite accessory would most definitely be broaches. They aren't quite a common thing for young women, but I just love them. I'm constantly raiding thrift stores and street markets to find the perfect ones. I'll add them to any outfit, they go great on scarves or piled on the lapel of a coat to give it a completely new look. I love how they can make even a simple outfit stand out.

Elly said...

My favorite accessory is currently brooches/pins, especially retro/vintage ones. Good to add to a jacket, hat, scarf, etc., and I've found them a way to easily add a bit of vintage-inspired glamor into my outfits.


Cynthia said...

Although I don't sound original, I do love scarves. They come in every weight and color which makes it possible to wear a keffiyeh-ish style in Southern California and a chunky knit one in New Jersey. Love it!


KDot said...

Great giveaway!

I'm a necklace kind of girl.

dcknitsandbakes said...

A big, beautiful handbag is my favorite accessory, followed by scarves worn year-round.
Happy New Year!

simonesays said...

I've been so in love with bracelets lately. For Christmas, I recieved the American Apparel scrap bag - I know wear at least two braided bracelets which I made every single day.
I also was given some studs and strips of leather. Making those bracelets weren't quite as easy as the braided ones, but it was so worth it.
I never used to be a bracelet person, but now I'm rarely seen without a stack of them on my left arm. I love them.

thanks! ♥

MH said...

I love necklaces the most!!!

Danielle Sorrells said...

Its so hard to choose a favorite accessory... But if I could only wear one, it would be earrings. I think they just polish off an outfit.

sarahannnoel said...

My favorite's a toss-up between HUGE vintage earrings and fluffy, comfy scarves.

la cuisine bourgeois said...

oh wow. what a bundle of goodies! everything looks fabulous!!! my fav accessories are probably necklaces and rings...i think they are the cherry on top of a great outfit! happy new year!!!

zhi-er said...

my favourite = bags. a bag can instantly change the entire look! second place = definitely necklaces.
with hugs from singapore.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of scarves and bags. The right bag can make an otherwise pedestrian outfit really pop.

Petya K. Grady said...

Scarves! They are the easiest way to tie an outfit together!

Love your blog!

Kathryn said...

my fave is rings! I have so many but usually wear the same 3 or 4.... i should branch out!

stacie said...

I love, love, love hair accessories!! So fun!

gina said...

Earrings are my favorite. I love earrings. Scarves are a close second though.

shell said...

Belts can really transform a look. I'm also a big shoe & bag person. Oh heck, scarves too. The more accessories the better :)

The Sunrise Diaries said...

I'm a huge purse person. I have so many purses and while some purses can go with almost any outfit, many outfits look better with a more "specialized" purse.

Unknown said...

My favorite accessory is a vintage bracelet.. rings and necklaces follow close behind!

Poison Oak said...

I love mittens!! The new "smittens" are too cute!

Rachel said...

omg, first of all that sequined purse is AMAZING. i love anything with a union jack, so obviously i'm loving that!
i like necklaces the most. i feel like you can wear a plain colored shirt and jeans but can instantly dress up the outfit or make it look funky with a necklace. there's so many kinds out there, and you can always find them for cheap!

Brianna said...

My "go to" is always earrings, but I am trying to incorporate more necklaces and bracelets.

Julia said...

Earrings, hand down. Necklaces make me cold, and I can't type with rings and bracelets, so...earrings it is! Love your blog.


Unknown said...

My favorite accessory is a necklace. It is a great accessory to show one’s individuality. A lot of people wear a necklace to identify themselves as having a certain interest, like a cross showing interest in one’s faith. Some might wear a certain color of necklace to show off or compliment their skin tone or to enhance the color of fabrics they are wearing. It can show off one’s hobby such as beading. Wearing a necklace can have several reasons behind it. The main reason is to visually share a bit of your personality with those you encounter. Not to mention…it can change a boring outfit into a more interesting look.

My favorite necklace is one I bought back in high school. It is a metal cross with different beading wrapped around it. It is so versatile that I can wear it with anything. Everywhere I go, I get compliments on it. I would be lost without it 

DMKG said...

My favorite type of accessories is necklaces because they make an outfit so much more intersesting!

e edith said...

I love long necklaces with plain shirts :)

A Quiet Difference said...

Bags and purses are my favorite . Necklaces and scarves come a close second though :P

sara said...

scarves are my favorite!!

miranda.gabriela said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thank you!

My favorite type of accessory is DEFINITELY scarves! I love how versatile they are! You can wear them on your head, on your neck, on your arm... and in a zillion different ways! I personally love making them into kerchiefs and wearing them as dainty turbans with a brooch!

Then I have to say clutches! That sequined one pictured is too adorable!

Thanks again! Love your blog so much!

angela jones said...

Wow, so generous of you to give away accesorize's trinkets!

I love necklaces best. Whether it be an adorable antique or an edgy dangly necklace, an outfit is incomplete without one!

Annisa said...

My favorite type of accessory would be scarves, hands down. They are fashionable as well as functional. I don't know how I survived winter before I realized how great they were. And they complement any outfit. They come in all styles, colors, lengths, and textures.

Shana Janelle said...

My favorite type of accessory would have to be cocktail rings! The bigger the better. You can forego every other embellishment with the right cocktail ring - it adds a bit of whimsy combined with edge without trying to hard. Good luck to everyone and happy new year!

Jennifer said...

Awesome! I'd picked up a couple necklaces and bracelets from Accessorize when I was in London. I'd love to win more! Favorite accessory = necklace.

Anonymous said...

I've found myself snatching up hats at thrift stores and bargain bins recently! I love how they can instantly brighten an outfit, add a little throwback feel, and keep my hair dry in the rainy Oregon Winters! Other than that, I'm all about statement earrings and my mother's high school class ring--it has this great blue stone in it that somehow magically works with almost any outfit!

Angy said...

My favorite type of accessories would have to be either scarves or necklaces. I like thinks on my neck. Since I don't have any ear holes, earrings are definitely out of the question. Haha. However there is one ring that's every special to me that I wear everyday. :)

Fiona Foo said...

I like scarves tooooo. But then I love clutches too

Ashley said...

I love necklaces, especially big or slightly gaudy necklaces when unexpected or with simple clothing. I am finally getting how to layer them in interesting ways too. Love your blog. Happy New Year!

susan said...

I never feel completely dressed without a necklace.

Mel said...

My favorite accessory? A smile!

But I really love necklaces. They're usually quite versatile.

I like earrings but my ears tend to reject them. Not so with a necklace!

WildBirdVintage said...

My favorite...a feather in my hair!

Cara said...

My favorite are necklaces. They always add that certain something to my outfits.

Anonymous said...

My favorite type of accessories are necklaces. You can pile them on for a new looks or keep it clean and simple with just your favorite

Mrs. Wonder said...

My favorite is necklaces- they can funkify or dress up an outfit.

H to the izzo said...

I have to pick ONE favorite accessory?! I love them all. Okay, a big, shiny, sparkly cocktail ring. Or perhaps 2.

smalltownchic said...

Hello! Happy new year. I'd have to say that right now I am loving big belts! They can add so much to the simplest of outfits.

Penny said...

My favorite fashion accessory are definitely rings. Rings don't clutter your outfit, but they add to it in a delicate manner.

JBalloon said...

Necklaces are my favorite accessories!

Sassy S said...

My favorite type of accessories are necklaces! I especially love long ones! They can always kick an outfit up a notch! Oh and hey its my birthday today!! I don't kn ow if that would effect my chances at winning! :D

Melissa Alejandra Rocha said...

my absolute favorite accessories are headbands and big statement necklaces :)

Joy said...

holy smokes! look at all the posts-- you must feel loved, kc! my favorite is earrings since I have a really long neck and need to break up the distance.

Jen said...

My favorite accessory is probably a common one, scarves. It's been freezing and nothing is easier to jazz up a simple outfit!

Katie said...

i love oversized men's watches -- can't get enough of 'em!

ACP said...

earrings, always. i have about 18million (half of those are onesies since I am so good at losing said favorite accessory)

Polina said...

i love headbands! they immediantly make any outfit ultra cute

One Cute Mom said...

I love bracelets, the add an instant zest to any outfits.

One Cute Mom said...
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EmilyJane said...

My new favorite is necklaces. I love how they make what you're wearing that much more unique to your personal style.

Unknown said...

Cocktail rings are eternally chic! There's always room for blingy-ness!!!


Sig said...

Necklaces for sure - you can make a whole outfit pop with just piece of bling on you :)

Tracy D said...

My favorite accessory is a scarf. Unfortunately I no longer live where I need a scarf every day in the winter so I have a giant box of beautiful scarves under my bed waiting for me to move back to a cooler climate.

So, my second favorite accessory is a necklace, or multiple necklaces!

Happy New Year!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I love bracelets these days...

MegFaye said...

Necklaces are my favorite. They are the ultimate accessory for jazzing up a simple outfit.

Meg said...


My favourite accessory at the moment are rings. Large cocktail rings can add a pop of colour to an outfit or add a punky edge. Smaller, finer rings can add a touch of class.

Versatile in any occasion.

Fashion Coma said...

My favorite accessories are necklaces, they can transform a typical t-shirt to something high fashion or just be the perfect compliment to another standout piece!

Randa said...

My favorite accessory would have to be a scarf. It's the one thing that can transform any outfit to fit the person. Not to mention that they can be worn anyway! I don't collect shoes or earrings or necklace but there is a hefty stack of scarves in my closet!


Meshack said...

My favorite accessories in general are necklaces, wallets/coin purses and handbags!
Of this giveaway, I am IN LOVE with the hart pendant necklace and the coin purse!!!!!

Thank you so much for offering these goodies! :)

Kate said...

Oooh, pritty! I love accessories!

Lauren said...

My favorites are cool earrings or perhaps even bright red lipstick :]

Lauren Paull said...

I am so glad that sequins have become a daytime thing as well! Such cute stuff!

Danielle @ Story of Style said...

Hey! My favorite accessory is bracelets! I'm obsessed.

Hannah said...

My favorite are watches. I'm not a huge jewelry person so I feel like a watch brings in some subtle detail and color :)

Joy said...

my favorite type of accessories are timepieces (watches/watch pendants) since 1) they are always in style 2) you can layer them with bracelets/chains/necklaces and 3) they definitely have practical use

Megan said...

My fav type of accessory is a great statement necklace! Really dresses up an outfit and adds something fun.

Great giveaway loot!

Annie, Time Enough for Drums said...

Someone above me already mentioned this, but I collect necklaces that are also timepieces. My ultimate favorite! Annie.

Breana said...

Hmmm...such a hard decision! I'd have to say that purses are my favorite type of accessory. You can base an entire outfit around them and they're functional too!

Sarah Yvonne said...

rings! i love rings :D happy new year!

nikatknight said...

My favorite accesory is necklaces!!!

Tiera said...

i have to say my favorite type of accessories are necklaces. you can make the simplest outfits look amazing with just a necklace. its sometimes a simple touch that goes along way from elegance to casaual. i love them!!

Ali said...

hope I'm not too late for this! my favourite accessories are hats or headbands.especially cute little wool berets!

jmcomyns said...

My favorite type of accessories is bracelets, especially cuffs.

Thanks for the great giveaway and wonderful blog!

Capability said...

Oh man, I think I missed the deadline... but as nothing seems to be posted, I'll try anyway:

Favourite accessories are earrings. I've worn them daily for years, loved 'em, lost 'em, dropped 'em down the back of the couch, worn 'em as brooches. Love those earrings!

Unknown said...

Hope it's not to late! For me, necklaces smiles ;) and purses...

Through the Years said...

My favorite are scarves and necklaces. Many colors and designs to choose from. I specially love big chunky scarves and necklaces.


Adriana said...


First I want to say I LOVE your blog and follow it daily, thanks to you I have stepped it up a little harder with my outfits. :)

My favorite type of accessories are necklaces! They come in all types of shapes colors and sizes and really add fun to any outfit.


Adrianna Traxler said...

necklaces!! They totally can change an outfit completely. You can make a simple jeans & t-shit look like a million bucks

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I can still enter but I'll try anyway.

My favorite accessories are def. scarves, you can dress them up so many different ways.

Unknown said...

My favorite accesories are scarves and necklaces since scarves comes in all shape and sizes and really take it up a notch on your outfit. Statement neckalaces for me are a must have, it totally changes your outfit it wore the right way.

assia said...

rings and shoes, especially big big rings with turquoise stone, can wear 3onone hand.

lillian rachel said...

Oh I Love accessories!!!! My favorite would have to be necklaces! I have yet to find a lovely gold one, but am searching constantly. Crossing my fingers that I'll be picked! :)

blondie said...

My favorite are shoes definitely and necklaces

Akemi said...

My favourite are rings. I love how a bold statement ring can jazz up a drab outfit and change your look from Punk to classy to feminine. Oh! and let's not forget Mcqueen's knuckleduster rings. I adore them.

love from India *__*