Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Kidding

Top: F21, thrifted, $6 // Jeans: ZCo, TJMaxx, $18 // Shoes: Pour La Victoire, thrifted, $6 // Necklaces: Vintage, thrifted
          Okay, I fully intended to remix the pink wrap skirt from Monday, but I found Tuesday morning that the raw hem had begun to fray, and I didn't think that would look very professional. Man, I really need to get my finicky sewing machine in working order. Or, even better, I should invest in some of this fabric glue I've read about. Being a not-so-patient seamstress and a general lover of shortcuts, it sounds right up my alley!
          Though my outfit inspiration was dashed by the disagreeable hem, I was granted a new muse when I went thrifting after work: this Forever 21 polka dot chiffon blouse. It's way too big for me in the best way possible. I loved wearing it today as a big, drapey top over cigarette jeans and also look forward to sporting it as a little cocktail dress.
          I had the morning from hell but felt great in this outfit and got more than one compliment on my shoes. Then I came home from work to find a fat check (apparently it pays off to be stupid and overpay your rent) and a Mad Men DVD (shhhh, since I don't have a TV or cable, I'm still on Season 2) in my mailbox. With the blogosphere all abuzz about Season 3, I'm really excited to get caught up!


ipopheart said...

such a pretty outfit!!! (love the shoes)
and a huzzah to mad men

E said...

This outfit is perfection! THe gold chains really make it unique and modern!

Lexie said...

those shoes are lovely!

i'm sorry you had a rough morning, but i'm glad things balanced out later on!

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

looks like we were both thinking the same thing today with the cuffed jeans ;)

I also have a sewing machine that I need to re-learn. I have tried the fabric glue and did not particularly care for it. It left visible lines where the glue was. I really like the permanent fabric tape. It really works and on almost all fabrics, it is seamless. I use it all the time it is sooo fast. I really suggest you try it out. Perfect for hemming and it stays really good.

Kansas Couture said...

Thanks, everyone!

Lions -

Thank you for the tip! I will definitely try out the tape.

Anna said...

I love your hair and the accesories work very well with your outfit:)

Unknown said...

lovely the necklaces and the shoes are amazing.

Emily Kennedy said...

Eeeexcellent. Love it when it all works out like a charm.

Marianne said...

You look gorgeous! I love how you made this top work for you!

Linda said...

Love it! Hey check out my blog... I have a little challenge for you..

FashionAddict said...

I love the outfit, very interesting. Season 3 has been pretty good thus far, but I think Season 2 was better.

Anonymous said...

I've adored the last few outfits! Your blog is one of the first I point people to when they say fashion is too expensive. You prove you don't need to spend a lot to look amazing!

Steph said...

Okay, so I just have to say of all the fashion blogs I read yours is by far the best! Why? Because you find amazing pieces at affordable shops we all have access to, but still manage to style them in a totally unique way. Can't tell you how much that means to me since my husband is in the Army and we don't get to choose where we're stationed. In middle of nowhere AL it's great to know I can find amazing shoes at Payless, great jeans at TJ Maxx, and score good deals on F21's website! I mean, really, who has the cash to buy super pricey non-thrifted designer duds right now? Plus, you've got me excited to move to our next duty station, Ft.Riley, because in my mind Kansas it's now a fashion capital, lol. Keep up the amazing fashion and blogging! I really feel like you should work for a fashion mag or be a super famous stylist.

Orchid Grey said...

you an I are in the same boat regarding Mad Men, I can't wait to get my had on season 2!

I absolutely LOVE this outfit! I can't believe you got those shoes for 6 dollars!

Kay Bluestocking said...

First, Mad Men is amazing. I love Joan and her clothes and that hourglass shape is to die for..or maybe just worth donning all those undergarments to make it work!
Second, a solution to hemming without a machine: use this amazing stuff called "Stitch Witchery." It is a little roll of fabric that you iron to activate it's glue-like properties. I love to sew but despise hemming so sometimes I use this sneaky little trick, but only on garments I don't plan on washing a lot. It stays fine in the wash but definitely not for weekly washes. You should try it then you don't have to stress about frayed seams on cute skirts! Hope this helps...

Kansas Couture said...

Thank you all so much for the sweet comments and helpful hemming advice. It really means a lot.

alicat & Steph -

One of my main goals with this blog is to show that you don't have to spend a lot of money or wear designer clothes to have unique style. Your comments made me so, so happy. Thank you for reading!

C said...

oooh, love the idea of pairing an oversized blouse with skinny jeans! Must try!!

Lainey said...

wow, this outfit is gorgeous! Utterly chic!

Rock & Revolution said...

You are way to cute for words!
Sea of Shoes eat your heart out!

Anonymous said...

I love the whole outfit! Great look...