Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Such a Rebel

I wore what I consider an unspectacular outfit to work today. My co-worker said she liked it but would never think to wear these items together. I believe any combination of neutrals works -- black, white, grey, navy, brown, tan and so on. She was surprised and asked how I know and keep track of these rules. I thought about it and told her to just break all the rules. In this case, the outdated dictums that say you can't wear black and brown together or black and navy or even red and pink (but that gets us into colorful territory). Maybe I'm just a mismatched rebel, but I tend to ignore most "rules of fashion." Petite women shouldn't wear large jewelry or prints... No hosiery with open toes... Always match your belt to your shoes. What are your thoughts on the matter of mixing neutrals, my fellow fashion-forward friends? Any rules you always stand by or love to break?
Dress: Old Navy, $8 // Cardigan: H&M, $10 // Necklace: Vintage, thrifted, $4 // Shoes: Payless


kaye i. said...

I say wear whatever you feel comfy in... confidence boosts self-esteem and makes a person even sexier. Who cares what other people think. Fashion should be fun.

I totally love your outfit!!! I don't see anything wrong with it.

Die Fashionista said...

I think the rule about not wearing black and brown together is one I definately break the most. I always think I can make it work!

Anna said...

Neutrals are neutral because they go with everything. But maybe I just break all the rules too, because rules seem silly and I'd rather be happy with what I'm wearing.

I think you look fantastic in that outfit; I LOVE the color combo!

C said...

First of all, I LOVE THIS OUTFIT!!! Secondly I too break all the fashion "don'ts", especially the color ones.

Linda said...

I think its okay to break the rules. I HATE matcy matchy and my mom drives me nuts whenever she tells me "YOU should match your bag to your shoes" I always cry in protest NO! However, you should only break the rules if you know how. Some people try and end up looking like a splosh of agonizing colour. The rules are there for those who don't really know how.

Emily Kennedy said...

Definitely mix the neutrals! I love black and navy together. Black and brown. All manners of taupe, tans, and black. It's all good.

Meghan Henley said...

I ignore the rules and make each outfit my own. Def. wear a LOT of black and brown. Neutrals are called neutrals for a reason, right? :) You have impeccable style!

Unknown said...

To begin with I love your outfit. And as for as rules are concerned, to be honest I wasnt even aware of most of them till very recently, so have been wearing what I like on myself and i guess thats the way it should be.

Orchid Grey said...

I love mixing neutrals, rules are meant to be broken and so many of them are antiquated and irrelevant by today's standards. Your outfit is great, I love every piece!

ps- thank you for your comment and for adding me to your blog roll!

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Unspectacular? I love this outfit; you make neutrals look spectular!

Kate Lorenz said...

Living in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, I'm happy when I see anyone breaking the sorority t-shirt/running shorts rule in favor of some actual clothing! Also, I got called out yesterday for mixing black and brown. To which I replied, "but I LOVE it!"

CC said...

wow, unfortunatly, we are not all you dear
i will never be able to wear black and brown together
cute outfit though

Anonymous said...

1. i love this outfit.
2. i'm pretty sure nothing i wear ever matches. i even rocked brown, black and navy the other day, and it's become my new favorite outfit!

HadleyEG said...

I love wearing pink and red together. And as for black and brown, the four months I spent in France studying abroad are forever tinted black and brown in my memory because of how well and frequently the French rock that look. Ever since, I have this strange RESPECT for it. So, I think you look great.

Lexie said...

i definitely think breaking rules is much better than trying to stick to a laundry list of silly traditions! the only thing i am a firm believer in is practicality in terms of weather/occasion. i HATE seeing people dress casual to special events. or people wearing flip flops in the snow!

i love this outfit! you look beautiful.

samantha levi said...

neutrals works because they're neutrals. plain and simple. textures and layers of the same neutrals. love love. a classic edginess is a must.
you should break rules and push the boundaries of fashion. never match shoes and belts with your purse. blah blah blah. everything you wear works. so the combination you came up with this outfit feels like its a good transition outfit from our summer to fall. plus the shoes tie it all together in the end. good job. and can't wait to see more.

DalenaVintage said...

I can't believe you found those shoes at Payless...I want to run over there now!!!

Unknown said...

In fashion there are no rules. Do what makes you fell and look good. I don't believe in matching only coordinating. In my mind any color can work if you coordinate the outfit accordingly. I am constantly playing with shapes, textures and lengths. Keep up the good work. I love the outfit! By the way, do yo work for Payless?

Kansas Couture said...

Thanks, everyone! I'm glad to hear that most of you agree about ignoring those old rules.

Shelby -

Yes, I work as a copywriter for the Payless corporation. I spend a lot of time with the shoes. :)